Alternative treatment methodologies have been popular in India. Therefore, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) have directed insurers to cover in-patient AYUSH treatments.
Meaning of AYUSH
- Ayurveda
This originates from the Vedas over 5,000 years ago and is based on the five elements known as PanchaMahabhootas. It includes drugs, diet, and lifestyle changes to effectively treat metabolic and chronic ailments.
- Yoga
Yoga combines individual and universal consciousness and is a preventive rehabilitative and curative intervention for overall health improvement. It comprises eight elements, which include Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharna, dhyan, and Samadhi to improve personal and social behavior and promote health.
- Naturopathy
It promotes living in harmony with the principles of nature. Naturopathy stimulates the inherent power of a human body to restore health and is effective for stress-related disorders, allergies, and autoimmune conditions.
- Unani
It originated in Greece and is based on Hippocrates’ four-humor theory. The Unani system is beneficial to treat diseases like bronchial asthma, jaundice, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. The four forms of treatment include pharmacotherapy, dietotherapy, regimental therapy, and surgery.
- Siddha
This system emphasizes the patient, physical and physiological condition, age, appetite, sex, diet, race, habitat, and mental framework. It uses minerals and metals as drugs to treat conditions like peptic ulcer, psoriasis, bleeding piles, and chronic liver ailments.
- Homeopathy
It came to India in around 1810AD and is based on three principles. These include similiasimilibuscurentur, single medicine, and minimum dose. Homeopathy assumes that the cause of an ailment depends on the individual’s susceptibility along with external factors like viruses and bacteria. It is beneficial to treat autoimmune conditions, allergies, and viral infections.
AYUSH benefits in health insurance
A comprehensive health insurance plan offers coverage for hospitalization expenses in case of any medical condition. It pays for expenses, such as in-patient, pre- and post-hospitalization, doctors’ fees, operation theater charges, diagnostic tests, and medications. However, these benefits under a medical insurance plan are available only if you opt for the conventional treatments within a network or non-network hospital.
Alternate treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga, and Homeopathy have gained popularity, and insurers now cover them under AYUSH benefits in a medical insurance policy. If you opt for an alternate treatment, the insurance pays up to 20% of the sum insured (SI) to cover the related expenses. However, you need to procure treatment in a government hospital authorized by the Quality Council of India or the National Accreditation Board.
Several insurers offer these benefits. You can compare health insurance policies available to make an informed decision.
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